Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Lateral epicondylitis is an overuse injury causing pain on outside of the elbow. Pain is caused by repetitive
wrist extension and rotation (supination) as seen in swinging a tennis racquet. The wrist extensors and supinators attach at the lateral epicondyle of the elbow. When muscles are overused, it can cause pain at the tendon insertion site. Symptoms include burning and aching in the elbow. This is can cause difficulty gripping, turning a doorknob, or holding a mug. Goal: Restore pain-free ROM, decrease inflammation and tenderness of tendons, increase wrist extensor and supinator strength.
Medial Epicondylitis (Golfers Elbow)
Medial epicondylitis is an overuse injury causing pain on the inside of the elbow. Pain is caused by repetitive wrist flexion (bending the wrist towards the palm, as seen with golf swing). Symptoms include pain and tenderness on the inside of your elbow and may extend down the inner side of the forearm. Pain will increase with specific movement. Other symptoms include stiffness of elbow with pain when making a fist, weakness of hand or wrist, making a fist/gripping, and radiating numbness or tingling into 4th and 5th digits. Goal: Restore pain-free ROM, decrease inflammation and tenderness of tendons, increase wrist flexor/extensor strength.